We help businesses remove fake reviews and meet their regulatory obligations.
Fake reviews are illegal in the UK, US, EU and Australia.
Companies with online reviews written about them, their products or their services, as well as 3rd party review-hosting companies, need to ensure they comply with important new laws.
We have fake review detection solutions for:
Working with TruthEngine is straightforward, with two key solutions available for companies.
This audit is Ideal for clients wanting to understand a company’s exposure to fake reviews.
Ideal for clients who have undertaken a TruthEngine® audit, TruthEngine® protection is an ongoing service that regularly analyses a client’s reviews. The analysis can be as regular as near real-time and enables companies to demonstrate to regulators and consumers that they have robust procedures in place to protect consumers from exposure to fake reviews.
Companies whose reviews meet and exceed the TruthEngine’s strict authenticity standards get to display the TruthMark®.
Lawmakers, regulators and journalists who see a brand displaying the TruthMark® see an ethical and transparent business who has engaged a neutral third-party intermediary to independently authenticate their reviews.
They can see immediately that this brand is taking the required ‘reasonable steps’ to conform to the DMCC Act or local equivalent